
conspiracy education? #viromecaravan

Is it a conspiracy to assert that we live in a period of relative prevalence of conspiratorial oriented opinions?
Perhaps it feels like that prevalence since a fair few peole approach me while thinking the viromecaravan has something to do with covid as a conspiracy.

When chatting with such conspiracy oriented humans, i think
that while i should counter their line of thinking one way or another when possible – ie
not leading into some kind of a circular self righteous argumentation session –
such interventions should be made with dignity and respect for the human i am speaking with.

Is that approach a mistake?

Indeed, it seems i learn too from these interactions. Afterall, these are humans with thought processes that i have not really encountered before.

For example?
A person that actually expects people in power to offer a correct guidance to rely upon without questioning.
A person that may take power greed as a sign for not that something is wrong with power and violence but of
an evidence that anything they say is misleading –
hence anything that they oppose or don’t say, is true..

a person who told me they know covid is a conspiracy because they never met anyone who had covid.
Do you think the suffragettes were a conspiracy?
However, you never met them, have you?
But I have seen films, seen photos, read texts..
Yes, i said, so it is possible to tell whether something happens even if you have no direct experience. (Thought it was nailed, however..)
But that was history, not what’s now.
Is it not possible to transfer the same kind of info-crossing research to the present?
How can you when the government obviously lies.
They want to use covid to control us!
Yes.. That is possible – however, this is a different question from whether there is or isn’t covid. Its to do with how do we respond to the situation. How do we make the best of it and move forward better than we have entered. no?
Maybe.. But i do not think covid is real!!
At this point I broke a bit, i think.. Done something that perhaps i should not have. Said a truth:
Actually, a very good friend is fighting covid now, as we speak, at the hospital.
Here?? In Brighton??
I was surprised by the response.. This means they might have thought covid happens in some far away places but not here..

Perhaps another strange thing that comes clear is that we don’t have lessons in critical thinking at school – and sometimes not so much at unis either.
Are there classes to work on fallacies?
Indeed, how do you tell another human they might have a difficulty in thinking?
Nothing psychological or intellectual in-capacity, but a luck of knowledge and experience in appling ways of thinking.
Yet, with AI, we do teach them how to overcome fallacies with ever increasing rigour…

log news

someone has seen the wondering skateboard #viromecaravan

A visit to the open market in brighton produced an unexpected fruit –
told me they Know who has the arsenic skateboard!
Yes, they said – someone around brunswick sq, they insisted.
Any more details?
They said that whoever has arsenic tried to sell it for 50 pounds or something like that. Apparently no one bought it for the thing is too unique and it was obvious the person attempting to sell
might not own the board entirely legally.

We exchanged phone numbers and the person told me they will try to make the connection for a bit of a fee.
A strange demand imho – however, they did not come across as thriving but barely surviving.. (which may explain away a certain seeming obsession with money? why explain..?)
the strange thing is that by demanding money they may place themselves in a peril.
Suppose I was a bit of a capitalist?
I’d go to the police and say: Recall the skateboard story? Here’s a name and a phone number of someone who Knows..
The police will go Thanks, pick up the homeless person and make their lives a bit harsher.

all for money??

No way!

about log

how to continue during lockdown #viromecaravan

Seemingly we are at the brink of a new lockdown from the 5th.
(some tory publications say that since the R rate went down past day or so – lockdown may have a delay button, and with bojo-and-gang, u-turns come as the preferred jungle..)

Since I didn’t manage to get any electricity generetation with the virome caravan, and
because electricity is needed imho
the movements with Viromecaravan will have to alter and include

( 🙁 that so far i am yet to hear back from )

So far, the wind was instrumental in telling where, which direction, to move with the caravan.
On route, we stop in places like cafes to charge electric devices.
However, now that cafes will be only take-away, how do we charge while moving between no-wheres in particular..?

Here are the options as they seem to begin with. (any thoughts, additions, suggestions and other betterments are welcome.)

* Asking people to offer electricity from their houses. (i could park outside and get a looooooooooong cable.)

* Keeping around my house. ie coming and going only for electricity while moving away in winds’ directions.

all these moving inclinations come with a notice that in case the local police
notes that viromecaravan can not move AT ALL during lockdown
the affordance movement, the
moving of a virus by where, when, and how they are afforded a transition from one place to another –
will become confined to where my house is.


a spontaneous pandemic way to live? #viromecaravan

Was stopped for a chat about viromecaravan.

At the end of the chat, I wished them good luck with the lockdown. (due to descend in 2 days.)
That prompted a jesting speech to the tune of:
“yes.. with all these lockdowns – we’d all Need a virome caravan”

Sometimes, I think, there are revelations in jest. The funny stuff points at certain things that actually hold.
It seems so in this case because other people mentioned in passing that the virome caravan may come as a kind of solution for maintaining movement – rather than confinement and being locked – during pandemic times like covid.

It comes interesting imho since
one of the prompts for the caravan has the aspect of how to maintain connections and movements despite the mortal need to keep
safe and distances that support safety.


art and culture within and yet not without? #viromecaravan

covided culture in a shut cinema?

I think it is a legitimate question for us, during covid – how do we do culture?

Before getting into that, let’s try and and unshade a few things. Doing culture, imho, is an evolution, energies that escape with, without and within volition.
aka – i doubt living is plausible – let alone possible – without culture, human and otherwise.
Therefore, imho – whether we go to cinemas, galleries, clubs, cafes, libraries and such places –
affects How we do culture, rather than waht the image suggests.
(..that somehow we are without art and culture while places like cinemas are shut..)
Indeed, when considering Cinema kind of places, venues humans may come together to question, reflect, wonder, imagine, energize and therefore evolve Their culture collective –
it seems the focus comes on art and culture as a collaborative oriented process.
Even when the orientation comes on individuals, the collaborative togetherness is there through reliance of such individuals on various shared contexts.

Since we have been covided – aka implicated by a virus that enforce alterations in life and therefore culture ways of doing things –
perhaps the question should address the How imho.
There are
instant solutions that we swell into- tech network oriented solution. Museiums, festivals, conferences, galleries and performances have been
xoomed since covid began.
Apart from the fact that there are other – not commercial – technologies we can use,
I think that perhaps we can also ask a wider question that these covided times may offer –
have we shared culture, before covid, in the best way possibly plausible?
this break in the art sharing and doing habits,
this forced change,
could it not come as na opportunity to consider, let alone develop, other?
Some other ways to share, or are we going to confine ourselves into the technological solutions alone?

There’s nothing against technology going through my mind as i type on a networked pad via a laptop.
However, diversification is on mind, as well as multiple physicalities, frictions and ways.

The Virome Caravan offers a here and now suggestion to share and connect, do art’s calling for a shared evolution in a covid safe manner, while keeping a physicality mediated by other than binary pulses.


winds, air, curiosities and gender?? #viromcaravan

Sitting in a cafe and drying from the windy rain.
The caravan is in my view. Left the window open (only one at the back), since it will be good to get air circulated after a condensated night.

People pass by and look At the caravan. Some read the words on the body, some look around and under, others swing head at the caravan’s direction as they walk by, yet more stop to look at a number of things (can tell since they point) and discuss.

In my mind, it is strange that people may attempt to resolve, to unforld in their minds questions like: “wtf is this caravan?” – rather than simply go to the website or searx the name.
Perhaps humans enjoy – or feel some thrill – attempting to reply a question based on past clues berried in their culture’s minds?
Perhaps, indeed, the process isn’t to do with the seeming resolution to questions like “what is this” – but
a feeling of satisfaction that may wait in case they could asnwer themselves
could this could also come as a process in which
though using pre existing notions, concepts, ideas, experiences and knowledge – the thrill is
in the operating the formerly held mind?
or indeed
a bit like I do here –
just a thrill of sliding and surfing from one thing to another from a particular question into an infinity that has yet to come into senses?

Why know something when we can have sensations from it??

However, when male and female looking humans come across the caravan – mixed sex couples – the body langugage from curiosity seems generally different.
The female looking humans attempt to look inside, through the open window – while the male ones take a step back.

PersonalBows Images

Intrinsic, Intimacy, Knowledge, and..?




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